A general valuation roll is compiled by municipalities every three to seven years. The market value of all the properties in the municipal area is determined at the date of valuation..
A Supplementary Valuation roll is compiled to update the “General” Valuation Roll. The purpose is to, inter alia, correct errors and omissions and to value or revalue properties that are subject to subdivisions, consolidations, rezoning, township establishment, building alterations and new buildings subsequent to the compilation and publication of the General Valuation Roll.
NO, the Supplementary Valuation Roll will only reflect those properties for which supplementary valuations were done.
In the opinion of Rates Watch we believe that it is possible. The Act does make specific provision for the Municipal Valuer to make a supplementary valuation under certain conditions.
In the opinion of Rates Watch, subject to the correct procedures being followed and provided the objection criteria of the Act have been met, an objection can be lodged.Alternatively, a request can be submitted to the municipality to make a supplementary valuation. This request is similar to an objection and must be properly motivated. Rates Watch is geared to assist you with this application.
Rates Watch recommends that you contact them and apply for a valuation screening, to determine whether your property was substantially incorrectly valued. If the screening result shows that you have a case, then Rates Watch will submit an application on your behalf.
If the value is reduced it will be effective from the beginning of the valuation roll.
NO, Rates Watch will only lodge an objection or apply for a supplementary valuation, if on a balance of probabilities there is a reasonable prospect of success.
Have a close look at your municipal valuation and if you are uncertain as to whether your property/ies qualify for a supplementary valuation, apply to Rates Watch for a valuation screening. The Rates Watch team will analyse the municipal valuation and establish whether there are indeed grounds for a supplementary valuation.