One of our most exciting in-house projects is now up and running: Shebella is our new customer relationship management tool, which we have had custom-developed in order to streamline our work flow and processes. It will enable us to keep track of all communica-tions and interactions with our clients in one central location. Alongside that, we launched our newly revamped website, which was necessary to enable the optimal functioning of the Shebella system.
Shebella was rolled out on 1 February, and all clients should have received e-mail communication to let them know how to register on the portal. We are somewhat concerned about responses to that communication. Of the approximately 9,000 e-mails we sent out, around 8,000 were delivered and we received about 2,250 replies. Whilst this is a good ‘open rate’ in e-newsletter terms, it means that a large number of our customers have not yet registered on the new portal.
You can register or reset your password if you were previously registered. Your email address is your username, as per the following:
All our communications will now take place via this system, so we urge all our clients to make sure they are able to login or have registered so that we can remain in contact. Our website will also function as a useful resource for anyone wanting to find information on
current valuation rolls.