Outstanding Appeal Board hearings

"Rates Watch has lodged a significant number of appeals in many municipalities across South Africa. Our latest update looks at those appeals that are still outstanding in each major metro."

City of Johannesburg

There are 102 Rates Watch appeals from the previous valuation roll (GV2018) still to be heard. There are also 146 decisions on GV2018 objections outstanding and depending on the outcomes, the number of appeals may still increase.

Rates Watch submitted 1 039 appeals on the current valuation roll (GV2023).

The MEC responsible for local government in Gauteng Province appointed four valuation appeal boards (VABs) to deal with the outstanding matters for GV2018 and the new matters for GV2023. The first hearing was scheduled for 25 March and 10 of our outstanding GV2018 appeals were scheduled.

The members of the board convened at the offices of the municipal valuer while appellants were able to attend from remote locations via Microsoft Teams. This arrangement worked well, and we appreciate the dedication of the Secretary of the VAB and her supporting personnel.

We hope that the VABs will be able to attend to these matters as quickly as possible.

We do understand that our clients are eager to have their appeals resolved speedily. Based on the numbers allocated to the latest appeals we submitted, we estimate that around 13 000 have been submitted. It is the duty of the VAB to consider every appeal on its merit, affording the appellant and the municipal valuer the opportunity to present their respective cases.

If VABs are able to consider between 15 to 20 appeals per day and they convene four days a week, the GV2023 appeals could in theory be dealt with in nine to 12 months. Past experience showed that this is not achievable, and a more realistic period is more likely to be 18 to 24 months.

We can only speculate as to when the first appeals of GV2023 will be scheduled – possibly from May this year. Unfortunately, we do not have any control over the scheduling and must wait patiently for the scheduling.

Rates Watch will inform all our customers as soon as their appeals are scheduled.


There are 356 appeals on GV2021 still to be heard. It is a matter of concern that our last hearing was on 7 December 2023.

We do hope that the board will be able to convene soon to dispose of the outstanding matters. We were informed that they will convene again in May.

Unfortunately, it was decided that we have to attend the hearings in person at the civic centre in Kempton Park.


The remaining six appeals for GV2020 are scheduled for 25 April.

Cape Town

There are no outstanding appeals, but we still await the decision of the municipal valuer on 13 objections.


There are three appeals on GV2022 outstanding, while we await objection results on two matters.


Although there is only one appeal outstanding, we understand that there is a dispute between the municipality and the previous municipal valuer. Until the dispute is resolved the matter will not be heard.

Other municipalities

There are three appeals in the Blue Crane Municipality and one in Hantam municipality outstanding.

The appeals in the municipalities of George, Endumeni, Nelson Mandela Bay, Mbombela and Overstrand have been concluded.

The Mbombela municipality must be complimented for its speedy implementation of VAB decisions. The March rates accounts of the appeals that were heard on 22 February reflected the adjusted values and the credit journals. Well done, Mbombela!

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